The 7D Wiki

Attack Of The Fifty-Foot Sneezy:

The 7d are exploring a mysterious jungle. After Sneezy is rescued by a 10 foot tall condor, he explains why the bird is so big. Turns out, there is a mysterious pool in the giant jungle that can make anything big! The 6d tried to find Sneezy but couldn't. Meanwhile, the Glooms wanted to use the condor that rescued Sneezy as a monster to scare the villagers. After they caught the bird, Sneezy was buck off by a tree AND.... Landed in the mysterious pool! He suddenly grew until he was a GIANT! With the 6d, they were being offended by a baboon! The ground was shaking and Grumpy said; "Just what we needed! An Earthquake!" The 6d were shocked to see a giant Sneezy! The 7d discovered facts about the mysterious pool and the only way to undo the "giant" spell is Normo-Dust. Sneezy and the rest also found facts about the stolen condor. The 7d came up with a plan AND, Sneezy was part of it! The 6d rode on Sneezy's shoulder to Jollywood. Sneezy climbed up and rescued the condor. Surrounded by police and witch brooms, Sneezy showed them a thing or two! Dopey sprinkled the Normo-Dust on Sneezy and he was back to normal size! The 7d planned their next adventure and the episode ends with "Hi-Ho" and the iris out!

Toodles!, Aquawillow
